Friday, September 10, 2010

It's Time For Fall Classes Again

I took a month off teaching weekly classes in August. I went to NFLD to teach some workshops at Wild Lily, and perform in a show. I had a great time there with Lori Savory and Vanessa Paddock. I was hired with Miss C for a bachelorette party that was lots of fun.
And I performed at the Casino all summer long again with Haleigh and Caitlan. Caitlan and I have been working on handbalancing acts and I absolutely love it. I can't wait to get some photos and video of what we've been up to.

Some of my fall classes started this week:
This is the first time I've taken any time off teaching classes since I started teaching. It was good to get recharged, but I had butterfies in my stomach when it came time to get back to it. One month off feels like 6 months off. It's good to be back in the groove though. I can't wait for my performance level class to start on Sunday. It's one of my favorite classes. The girls all know each other and there's this sense of community and belonging that is really special. My fall schedule seems a bit less than what I'm used to teaching, but I'm trying to concentrate on training (2 circus classes, 2 advanced yoga classes, and 2 other dance classes every week) and performing (I've got a tonne of gigs coming up with Atlantic Cirque!).

I've now been making a living bellydancing, hula hooping, yoga teaching, and cirque performing for a year now and I feel grateful that I am able to do this. I work hard and I dedicate most of my waking hours to my profession and I've had lots of help from friends - encouragement, guidance, inspiration and photoshop help from Laura, website help (and really when I say help I mean she did it all while I watched) and many hours of being a good listener from Lucy, and many pep talks and rides to classes and gigs from Terra.

I have lots of exciting plans for the upcoming year. I can't wait!!!