Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tips For Reducing Muscle Soreness

If you have been sticking to your New Year's exercise-related resolutions, you may be experiencing delayed onset muscle soreness. Here are some tips to help:

1. Make sure you listen to your body and don't overdo it in class. Everyone in class is at a different fitness level on that particular day, so don't feel like you always have to go 110%, especially after taking a break. It's part of your instructors job to be motivating, but only you can tell how you body feels.

2. Hydrate yourself! Water water water!!! Make sure you drink extra water when you exercise vigorously. Coconut water is also a great way to hydrate and replenish electrolytes.

3. Take an epsom salt bath. We recommend using FIZZ!!! Epsom salt baths can help your body to get rid of lactic acid build up in muscles as well as other toxins, and reduce inflammation.

4. Get a massage. Our resident massage therapist at the studio, Laura Newton, RMT, has experience treating dancers and athletes.

5. Try an infrared sauna session. In addition to stress relief, infrared saunas also help decrease muscle pain and stiffness

6. Get adequate sleep. Your muscles rebuild themselves while you sleep, so try to make sure you give them enough time to do their job.
Have any more tips? Share them below!

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